“The birth of a new baby is the birth of a new parent”
The young Parents Program is available to student up to the age of 19 who wish to continue their education. The Program runs on a Monday and Tuesday in Term 1 of 2024.
The program aims to:
- Provide pre and postnatal health care information and support
- Develop student understanding of sexual and reproductive health care
- Increase parental confidence and knowledge of infant and early childhood development
- Help students engage with education and community service providers relevant to their need through a Team Around the Child (TAC) approach
Education Outcomes:
Facilitate continued education VM, VPC, VET, TAFE, Pathways.
Individual learning plans and timetables are negotiated to respond to the needs of both young parents and their children. Students have access to assisted transport and facilities to support attendance with children.
Students are able to participate in:
- Small group tutorials
- Playgroups/ play sessions
- Individual sessions
- Home visits
- Lawyer and School Nurse sessions
- Delivery of coursework occurs through student workshops, tutorial, videos, excursions, guest speaks and discussion forums.
Enrolment Process:
- To access the programs students need to:
- Contact the WFLC to arrange and initial meeting
- Complete the WFLC referral Form
- Complete an Enrolment form
Course contacts:
We look forward to answering any enquiries about the program and encourage you to make contact for further information and support if you are considering enrolment for 2024. Please call the office on 02 6048 7720 or Donna Sharp on 0408 821 212 for further information.
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