Geographical Context and Infrastructure
The Benalla, Seymour, Shepparton and Wodonga Flexible Learning Centres and Choice Wodonga are all campuses of Wodonga Senior Secondary College. These Campuses provide students who generally experience difficulties accessing mainstream school an educational pathway tailored to their often complex educational, social, developmental, psychological, health, legal or family situation.
History and Enrolment Trends
NEFLN was established in 2015 (Wodonga 2011) through an identified need in government secondary education in North East Victoria.
That specialise in alternative education options of Secondary Students. Today, the North East Flexible Learning Network work collaboratively to provide all students with every opportunity of success for Secondary Students/ Career under the governance of the Wodonga Senior Secondary College.
Student and Community Demographics
The NEFLN serves a community with socially, economically and culturally diverse needs. It actively embraces, respects and promotes the uniqueness of all students. We have a number of students English is their additional language, a large percentage of students are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. Wodonga Senior Secondary College School Family Occupation (SFO) in 2018 was 0.6877. This has remained relatively consistent over the last 5 years.
Staffing and Leadership Profiles
The Network benefits from the highly professional teaching and support staff. The majority 80% of teaching staff are highly experienced teachers. This blends well with a consistent flow of new teachers each year. The Executive Team at the North East Flexible Learning Network campus consists of 5 Principal Class focusing on high quality education for all students and continuous improvement. This team is supported by 4 leading teachers.
The school is sustained by highly dedicated Education Support Staff. This includes administrative staff, individual support staff, youth workers, IT assistants and Career/Transition Practitioners. The Network has a strong commitment to the wellbeing of students and this is demonstrated through the NEFLN Wellbeing Leadership Team as well as partnerships with external community agencies and groups i.e School Nurse Programme, Doctors in School program, KESO workers, Navigator, SSS, The Bridge, Junctions Support Services.
Curriculum and Specialisation
North East Flexible Learning Network has a range of subject choices across all subject areas. The Network is a Department Secondary School that uses the Victorian Curriculum, Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning and Victorian Certificate of Education subjects, guidelines and principals. The Network works with all students to design an individual programme, which provides them with every opportunity for success in their chosen pathway following their secondary education. In partnership with our external Registered Trained Organisations, the Network delivers a diverse range of VET Subjects.
The Network has a healthy focus on extra-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in a range of social and physical opportunities to build social development and connection to their local community.
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