There are three key pillars to the work that is achieved at each of the Centres, these are: Teaching and Learning, Wellbeing and Engagement, Pathways and Transition. These pillars formulate our Professional Learning Teams and support the work that is achieved across the Network in improving student outcomes. At the North East Flexible Learning Network (NEFLN) each centre has a Coordinator for Literacy and Numeracy, a VCAL and PE and Health. At each centre the NEFLN uses an individualised timetabling approach to support student to learn in a flexible manner to achieve their outcomes and goals. Every student has a personalised Individual Education Plan (IEP) along with a corresponding individualised Timetable that supports them to achieve the learning goals outlined in the IEP. Each programme includes Literacy, Numeracy, Social-Emotional Learning and Community Based Projects and classes. Each Campus offers a variety of elective programmes to support student in achieving their objectives and develop a breadth of understanding, application and knowledge in a variety of subject areas.
For our middle years students 7-9 the NEFLN supports skill development in all areas of the curriculum to encourage participation in mainstream senior secondary education. Our older students are supported to complete their year 12 certificate and participate in rigorous careers based education to determine what they want to be when they grow up and how to get there before transitioning to tertiary education (University, TAFE) or Work (Traineeship, Apprenticeship or Fulltime Employment). At the NEFLN we deliver all three levels of VCAL (Foundation, Intermediate and Senior) along with a small selection of VCE subjects. Through local partnerships with public schools in our communities we work alongside other education providers to transition students wishing to participate in a fulltime VCE programme to continue their learning. We offer a number of internal VETDSS subjects in both face to face and blended learning approaches. Our VETDSS subject selection is also supported with partnerships with GOTAFE and Wodonga TAFE. At the NEFLN we believe in providing every opportunity to every student and this centres around providing the best teaching and learning and addressing missed learning and gaps in academic performance.
We utilise the procedures and approaches outlined by the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) to continually develop and extend our programmes along with a 4 year strategic plan, annual planning and 4 four year academic actions plans (Literacy, Numeracy, Wellbeing and Attendance) we work to ensure that best practice is always presented.
For more information please refer to the following page
Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO): Resources |
At the NEFLN we utilise the Victorian Department of Education and Training approved curriculum for years 7 to 12.
For further information please refer to the relevant pages below.
Victorian Curriculum (Vic Curric)
Home – Victorian Curriculum (
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
PagesĀ – VCAL curriculum (
Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (Vic Curric)
Victorian Pathways Certificate
Vocational Education and Training Delivered in Secondary Schools (VETDSS)
Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
PagesĀ – VCE Study Designs (
My Career Tools
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