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Student  Artwork (Click on artwork to enlarge)

Artwork by Colby, as part of his CGEA Community Project.
Colby Drawing 2   Colby Drawing no. 3   Colby Drawing no. 4    Colby Drawing no. 5    colby Drawing no. 6      Colby Drawing no. 8   Colby Drawing no. 9  


Artwork by Geoffrey, part of VCE visual Communications Unit 1

Hand Drawn Perspective Building Perspective Building

Text Formatting Audi CarText Formatting Car

Text Formatting Sunshine


A story by Jessica  ‘Best Thing About Being a Kid’

One of the best things about being a kid was waking up in the morning thinking today is a new day, a new adventure. Being able to hop up into the smelly, muddy clothes that you were wearing the day before and not caring if anyone saw you in them.

It was okay to be known as the “weird” kid because being that kid meant you had imagination and creativity. You would dress up in old ‘salvos’ clothes that you took from your mother’s wardrobe and strut down the street without a care in the world.

You could swear for the first time and your parents would think it was cute. Honestly you could get away with murder if you really wanted to.

Being a kid was some of the happiest times of my life, I wouldn’t change those memories for anything.

If “Neverland” was real, I would live there forever.

By Jessica







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